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Design Thinking Space for Deutsche Bank in the heart of Berlin

Design thinking processes solve complex problems, prioritize customer needs, and drive innovation. 

In 2018, Playroom designed, planned, and built a “Design Thinking Space” for Deutsche Bank to make its innovations more visible and tangible. This space was located in the “Quartier Zukunft”, Deutsche Bank’s future branch, on Friedrichstrasse in Berlin.

Here, employees and interested external parties could complete Design Thinking sessions free of charge with the support of trainers, initiate innovation processes, and participate in inspiring method training and workshops. What was initially planned as a six-month pop-up project was extended to a year and a half due to its great success.

In March 2020, Deutsche Bank and collaborators expanded the “Design Thinking Space” in Berlin to include open co-innovation and co-creation areas.

Playroom has developed a bookable workshop program covering topics such as future work, organizational design, and co-creation.


A creative and innovative Design Thinking Space was created for Deutsche Bank in the heart of Berlin. The idea and concept for this came from Playroom.

What was initially planned as a six-month pop-up project was extended to a year and a half due to its great success and creative results. 

Deutsche Bank’s Design Thinking Space was subsequently expanded with areas for open co-innovation and co-creation.

Do you want to know more?

Our Playroom experts are happy to assist you.