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Game changer for corporate co-innovation: Oracle Next Playroom

The identification and development of innovation projects is crucial for a future-oriented innovation culture in organizations and companies.

To foster innovation in a physical, co-creative environment, experts from Oracle and Playroom collaborated to create the Oracle Next Playroom.

The Oracle Next Playroom is a physical innovation framework that inspires and encourages employees to take action and create new things by providing a structured process for moving from ideation to execution. This framework has been instrumental in initiating and supporting numerous innovation projects across several countries, including England, Spain, Austria, and the Netherlands.

In the Oracle Next Playroom, all obstacles that prevent operational innovation can be overcome. Innovation suddenly becomes tangible.

Michael Bednar-Brandt
Head of Business Innovation Oracle

Software giant Oracle introduced its innovation room in its company with the Oracle Next Playroom, making innovation more tangible.

Do you want to know more?

Our Playroom experts are happy to assist you.